When I first started this blog in February 2005 I was exercised about fox hunting (go on, have a read - it's quite good, if I say so myself!) and very encouraged that the Michael Howard-led Conservative Party had a good chance of knocking the Blair government off its pedestal. Alas, it wasn't to be and my enthusiasm for blogging waned.
But by June 2007 I was getting so angry about the damage that the Blair/Brown hegemony had done that I resurrected the Diablo "brand". Hah! you might say - some brand!
Don't laugh but today I have reached a milestone. My profile has received five hundred hits! Wow! That means at least one person has looked at it five hundred times! Or, possibly, five hundred individuals have bothered to look at the Diablo profile. Either way, I've been noticed!
Not really..... I haven't counted but I reckon that I have received maybe 10 or so comments on the 75 posts I have made spanning the last three years. Not really on a par with Iain Dale, Guido or Political Betting is it? (OK, I know it's not as bad as Chris Paul who has posted 47,609 times and received 321 comments - at least half of which he wrote himself - but I'm not really making much headway, am I?)
So, what to do? Well, my loyal reader (sic) I am pleased to announce here that the Diablo site will be re-launched in the very near future: there will be more bells and whistles, more perzazz, more in-depth analysis and a greater emphasis on you - the reader - and what you want to read. It will be your site with the added attraction of some new guest bloggers, some of whom you know already.
Keep your eye on the Diablo blog - it's where it's happening!
Couldn't agree more with your view that it is better to have someone to disagree you than to be ignored.
See this:
Donal Blaney
Thanks Donal but actually I would find it quite exciting to be called a fascist or homophobic or the other thing that people think you are - oh yeah, a racist. That really would be an accolade!
It seems I am going to have be more provocative and "intellectual" to get the attention I crave. Thanks.
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