Saturday, February 27, 2010

The boy George done good!

I don't know about you but George Osborne has always been a bit of a worry for me. The way he sits next to David Cameron at PMQs with his mouth open and head on one side makes him look like the slightly "challenged" friend we used to have to take the pub at the request of his mum and dad. (That is probably so politically incorrect that I will find Harriet Harman has twittered me even before I have finished this post!)

However, THIS piece in The Independent has given me some cause for reassurance. In fact, in the survey they report that 67% of respondents think Osborne would make a better Chancellor than Alistair Darling. And 67% 0f business leaders think Osborne understands business while only 27% say the same about Darling.

Combine all this with the fact that Michael White of The Guardian actually says he likes Osborne then I have had to reassess my view. I am expecting great things from him when he is our next Chancellor. But I just wish he would smile benignly like Darling!