Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch!

It's nice to see the New Statesman being so optimistic for a change. Here they give a list of ministers who are at risk of losing their seats at the next General Election.

There are one or two well-known household names on the list. Apart from la Smith, poor old Bill Rammell is defending a majority of 97 votes in Harlow and that truly awful Barabara Follett is at risk in Stevenage.

I seem to remember that Alistair Darling also has a low'ish majority in his Edinburgh seat too. Hope I'm right as tomorrow the unemployment figures will show that 2 million are now out of work.


Odin's Raven said...

What about the postal votes? Maybe they're preparing these already!

Ted Foan said...

I am sure they are already filled in and waiting to be sent.